Friday 22 October 2021

Term 4 - Online Learning - 26 October - 29 October

 Term 4 - Online Learning - 26 October - 29 October

26/10/21 - Angelina

Angelina designed her own bird table out of lego and she worked on her lego sphere.

26/10/21 - Hailie
Hailie wrote this on Story Starter.

Hailie worked on her spelling skills.

26/10/21 - Shaniya
Shaniya has been working on her spelling skills.

27/10/21 - Angelina
Angelina has been working on her maths, spelling, comprehension, Chinese writing and art.  She has also been learning how to surf and she is doing really well.

27/10/21 - Hailie
Hailie has been writing about her experiences and she shared a Did you know ... fact.

27/10/21 - Angelina
Angelina worked on her fraction and measuring activities.  She did a word search and worked on her comprehension.  Angelina also wrote about her experiences and she did her Chinese lessons  She also made some interesting shapes using clay.

27/10/21 - Aveer
Aveer has been working on his spelling skills.  He also worked on a multiplication strategy.

28/10/21 - Hailie
Hailie did some writing about birds and she designed her spider and web.

28/10/21 - Shaan worked on his maths problem solving tasks, spelling and he did some inquiry learning about the weather.  Shaan also made this amazing hand that he showed us how it moves during one of our Google Meet sessions.  Shaan wrote about why birds build nests and he also did some multiplication.

28/10/21 - Angelina
Angelina has been busy working on her maths, blends, comprehension, writing, Chinese lessons and her art.

29/10/21 - Shaniya
Shaniya found some interesting words to use for her ABC wordlist and she worked on a maze.

29/10/21 - Hailie
Hailie has been working on her daily diary.

30/10/21 - Kylie
Kylie has been working on her maths and writing.  She also created an amazing owl using decorations.

30/10/12 - Hailie
Hailie has been working on her spelling and she got all her words correct.  Well done!

30/10/21 - Aveer
Aveer designed his own crown and he enjoys wearing it.  He wrote about why birds build nests and he worked on his mathematics. 

30/10/21 - Angelina
Angelina worked on her mathematics, she wrote a story about a birds nest and did some daily writing.  She also completed some comprehension tasks and worked on her Chinese lessons.  Angelina also completed her art work by using a range of colours.
Angelina started tennis coaching today, I am sure that is so much fun.

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