Wednesday 27 July 2022

Life Education Caravan

 Life Education Caravan - Tuesday 26 July

Today we visited the Life Education Caravan.  We met Daniel and he took us all into the amazing caravan.  
We met Harold, the giraffe and we found out that Harold is really good at taking turns and he makes his friends smile.   Harold likes eating and swimming.  
We discussed how it is OK to see the world differently.  Some of us were born in different countries and now we live in New Zealand.  We live in different houses and we go to the same school.  Our eye colour is different, we have DNA or our secret code is different, our finger, tongue and toe prints are different and our personality is different from each other.  This makes us unique and special.
We talked about how we come to school, some of us walk to school and some of us come by car.
We watched a video about Harold and his friends.  The video was about being kind and caring with our friends.  Some of Harold's friends liked to play on different  things in the playground and that is OK.

We shared a great poem together:

I'm a very important person,
There's no one else like me.
I'm wonderful and amazing,
Just because I'm me.

You are a very important person,
There is no one else like you.
You're warm and caring, 
And everyone else is too.

Enjoy looking at the photos of our caravan visit:

Friday 29 July
Today we made Harold, the giraffe, puppets.  The students loved making them.  They are taking them home and I have asked the students to use them when talking to their family about what we learned in the Life Education Caravan this week.
Here are some photos of our puppets:

Friday 29 July
We visited the Life Education Caravan today and had a wonderful time.
We talked about the word resilience and found out that it meant bouncing back and never giving up.  We discussed what makes us feel happy, sad, proud, angry and excited.  Daniel told us that our feelings come from our brain and it is OK to have these feelings as long as we don't hurt others or our environment.
Daniel told us about our 'Wise Owl Brain' where we make good choices.
Here are some ways of calming our brain down:
- do mindfulness
- have a nap
- watch the clouds
- take deep breaths
- play with our friends
- do some drawing
- have a healthy snack
- play outside
- read a book
- listen to music
- have a big drink of water
- find a quiet place to rest
- play with our favourite toy

We even talked about the things we need to help our bodies make the right choices, like water, food and sleep.
It is important to use our 'Wise Owl Brain' to make the right choices.
We talked about being a champion by:
- helping others
- working hard
- doing the right thing
- asking for help
- being positive

Here are some photos you might enjoy looking at:

We even had a dance with the lights on in the caravan!!!!!!

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