Thursday, 29 June 2023

Meeting Our Room 24 Buddy

 Meeting Our Room 24 Buddy - Thursday 29 June

Today we went to Room 24 and the students worked with their buddy.  They had a buddy sheet and found out lots of interesting things about them.  The students recorded the information together and then they swapped sheets so they could take home the information about themselves and their buddy.

Here are some of the sheets that the students worked on:

Wednesday, 28 June 2023

Jenga with Mr Rankin

 Jenga with Mr Rankin - Wednesday 28 June

Today the students worked with Mr Rankin and they designed their own Jenga pieces.  They worked in groups of three and cut the pieces out of wood with a saw.  It certainly built up their muscles!!!!

Thank you to the parent helpers who were able to come today.




Jenga is a game of physical skill created by British board game designer and author Leslie Scott and marketed by Hasbro. Players take turns removing one block at a time from a tower constructed of 54 blocks. Each block removed is then placed on top of the tower, creating a progressively more unstable structure

Enjoy looking at the photos of the students in action:

Friday, 23 June 2023



The students observed the different shaped leaves and colours that are in our environment at this time of the year.  They wrote a descriptive piece about the leaves and then they worked on their leaf art.  They used pastel and when two colours met they merged them together.

Enjoy looking at their art and reading their writing: