Thursday, 20 February 2025

Auckland Cricket Association

 Auckland Cricket Association - Thursday 20 February

Today Skye from the Auckland Cricket Association came to work with the students in Room 4.  We met Skye on the field and she worked with the students today on two games.  One was tag and the other one the students needed to throw the soft balls over the hoops.
Here are some photos of their first session:

Saturday, 8 February 2025

Enviro Class with Mrs Rhodes

 Enviro Class with Mrs Rhodes - Wednesday 5 February

The students in Room 4 went to Mrs Rhodes today for their Enviro Class.
They focused on bees and found out so much information about them.  The students went for a walk around the school to find out what they could find in the environment.  
After lunch they looked at a range of minibeasts and they used a dinoscope to enlarge them so they could see really clearly what they looked like.
Please ask your child what they did during the day and what they enjoyed the most.
Enjoy looking at the photos of some of the things they did: