Monday, 4 March 2013

General Knowledge Sharing

General Knowledge Sharing
The children have the opportunity to share some interesting general knowledge with the class.  They can talk about New Zealand facts, news from the newspaper or television or important events in the world.

Emily Y told us about the Lantern Festival in China.  It is a celebrated on the fiftenth day of the first month.  At this time thousands of colourful lanterns are hung in the sky.

Lucas talked about sea vents.  He told us last week scientists sent a remote controlled submarine into a very deep part of the ocean.

Gemma talked about tigers.  She told us at first the cubs eyes are blue then they change to yellow.  The mother lives with her cubs in a den made in a cave or a hole in a tree.

Judy talked about pets.  She told us that she would choose a goldfish.  She told us that you must look after pets very carefully so thaty don't get sick or run away.

Ryan told us that more than 9,000 people felt the earthquake in Auckland.  He said it happened at 4:05 in the afternoon.

Melissa talked about being a responsible dog owner.  She said that they must have water and food every day.  Her daddy walks her dog and Melissa plays with him.

Connor talked about Tyrannosaurus Rex.  He said that his name means 'tyrant lizard king'.  It is a carnivore and it eats other dinosaurs.  It stood 3 times taller than a man.
He talked about Velociraptor.  It lived at the same time as Tyrannosaurus Rex.  It was a carnivore and they could escape from T. Rex because they were fast runners.

Nicole talked about the solar system.  She told us that inside Earth there is a rock and it is so hot, it is hotter than the sun.  We found out that Jupiter is windy and Neptune is the coldest planet.  Mercury is the hottest planet as it is the closest to the sun.

Aarman talked about facts from New Zealand.  We found out that the tallest mountain in New Zealand is Mount Cook and the longest river is the Waikato River.  He also told us that the Sky Tower has 38 floors.  We found out from Aarman that the New Zealand falcon lives in native forest and eats small birds and small mammals.

Jordan B told us all about guide dogs.  She has a guide dog called Jackson and it is a boy.  Jackson is learning to be a guide dog.  When he goes for a walk he wears a red coat and a red collar.  When he leaves Jordan's family he will live with a blind person.  They all love him so much and when he leaves they will miss him very much.

Justin told us about a waterslide which is just outside of Auckland.  It is 650 metres and it is the muddiest waterslide.

Abigail talked about the kiwi.  She told us that the kiwi is an amazing bird that is the size of a chicken with thick, leather skin.  They feed on many insects such as earthworms, crickets, slugs and snails.

Finn talked about hawks.  He told us that hawks fly slowly into the wind, hunting for prey.  Hawks have to be careful not to get run over while they are eating.

Laila told the children about Disney on Ice.  It will be held at the Vector Arena in June.  Laila would love to learn how to skate.

Matthew talked about the first Canadian to walk in space, who also was the first Canadian to command the International Space Station.  He lived for five months in the International Space Station.  He took photos of Earth and made the first music video in space.  

Aneri talked about volcanoes.  We found out that volcanoes can send ashes high into the air, over 30km.  She told us that volcanoes are mountains that open downward to a pool.

Sam told us that scientists are helping to find out the secrets of giant Ice Age beasts like the sabretooth cat and the mammoth.  He said that scientists are now looking in the ground for more animals like this.


  1. Great work Melissa. You do a good job of looking after your dog and cat. They like playing with you.

  2. I also think there is some very interesting General Knowledge happening in Room 4. Do you think that parents could listen and learn too? Megan - Melissa's mum.
