Tuesday 27 May 2014

Inquiry Learning - The Kiwi

Inquiry Learning - The Kiwi
The children worked in small groups to find out information about a specific question.  They found information that related to their question about the kiwi and recorded it in note form.

Then the children found a picture that related to their question and put in on pages.  They then created a shape and wrote their question inside.  On the next shape they recorded the information that they found out about their question.

We met Infotective who lives in our school library.  He is so cool!!

We have worked on the Point View School Inquiry Model.  This has involved:
Wondering - building knowledge about the kiwi
Planning - brainstorming and developing quality questions
Investigating - finding information about our questions and making notes
Reflecting - checking to see if we have answered our questions
Taking action - producing a plan by deciding how to communicate our ideas
Sharing - sharing our work with an audience
Here are our posters:

Here we are sharing some of our information.

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