Thursday, 19 March 2020

19/3/20 Our Second Visit to the Life Education Caravan

19/3/20 Our Second Visit to the Life Education Caravan
Today we went to see Kat and Harold again.  We just love going to the Life Education caravan.
We talked about how zebra gave Harold warm fuzzies.  We discussed that warm fuzzies helped Harold fill up his warm fuzzy bucket.  Kat told us that warm fuzzies live inside us and we can become warm fuzzy fillers.
Then we talked about what makes us happy, sad, proud, angry and excited.  Caring for our friends, watching television, playing with our brother or sister, being kind and caring and watching the flowers grow makes us feel happy.
We found out that when someone does something for us we feel warm inside.  When we get warm fuzzies we give warm fuzzies.  We use our manners, smile and give compliments.  If someone does something that upsets us we get the cold, prickle feeling.  We decided that if someone gives a cold, prickle feeling we breathe like we are smelling a flower and then we breathe out like we are blowing out candles on a cake.  It helps calm us down.  We can give warm fuzzies to people who are already happy, we can give them to everyone.
We had a dance and then we pointed to a picture that showed a feeling like happy, angry, sad and excited.
Then we got a picture of a feeling and we made a list of warm fuzzy pictures and cold, prickle pictures.
The Life Education caravan is awesome.
Enjoy looking at the photos of what we did today:

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